There are no explanations of the reasons why, sometime you are meeting people on your life journey. What is meant to be will be. Thank you Bea and David for demonstrating your beautiful chants at the Grand Spiritual fair in Bristol. The feeling of hearing your voices still clearly resonates and was most incredible. Meditation with the purple flame is very powerful. Thank you again for crossing life journey.
(Skype session)
Thanks so much to beautiful and talented Bards of Avalon. I had the most amazing experience the other morning when given a Skype Sound Bath. I felt so peaceful, content and joyous. What a beautiful way to start my day! It was truly a divine experience, one that I would encourage others to gift themselves.
Michael Eastwood
(The Archangel Transmissions)
A beautiful album of vocal soundscapes that touch layers of the listeners being, illuminating and clearing the veils. This is pure Soul Music that reaches deep into our memory banks and stirs us to remember Union. Mike Eastwood - Writer, Principal teacher for the School of Soul Medicine.
(Skype session)
Bea and David harmonize not only their voices, but their energies to become great instruments of healing. Our session took me deep into the quantum realms and created a loving space for authentic transformation.
I had a treatment from Bea and David when I was going through my divorce. I can honestly say that after just an hour I felt lighter and clearer within myself. They are both such caring and wonderful people and have helped and advised me in many ways. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank them both. You gave me the tools, courage and strength to get through some very tough times.
(Sound bath)
(The Archangel Transmissions)
Just sat down and meditated with your CD. My back pain has eased that much it's almost gone, and all the stress of the day has gone. Once again thank you so much xxx
(Skype session)
I've had the pleasure of hearing Bea and David chant and sing in Cathedrals and small chapels, and felt euphoric afterward. I've also enjoyed group sound healings with gongs and crystal bowls used to facilitate the process. However, this personal Skype session with them, devoted and tailored to my personal healing on every level, was nothing short of phenomenal. I was completely transformed by the experience. What Bea and David offer in a personal Sound Healing session is nothing short of extraordinary. I felt like I was in the room with them, even though we were in a Skype session in different countries. The only drawback I can see from experiencing this amazing session online, is that I wasn't able to give them a big hug afterward, to thank them for the magic they created and the healing experience they offered me. I encourage you to give yourself the gift of Sound Healing with Bea and David. Their magic works wonders.
(Sacred Site Tour)
As guides to the sacred sites in this world, they offer what precious few can: a profound energetic understanding of the meaning of each holy place and a way to help those they guide access that meaning through sound and personal experience.
These are among the dearest people you will ever meet, accomplished, knowledgeable, professional, reliable, delightful and wise beyond measure.
They are not simply guides. They will take you on a journey that is vastly more than seeing ancient ruins or going into museums and old churches. You will be journeying into the depth of your own heart and immensely glad you had whatever it took to let yourself go for it.
(Skype session)
I had the honor of meeting and sitting in a Sound Bath experience with Bea and David in 2012 in Glastonbury, UK. The experience was so profound and deeply shifting for me. Now, 4000 miles away I had the beautiful opportunity to have a Skype private Sound healing experience with them. The synchronicities were nothing more than Divinely guided. As I prepared by going deep within, communicating with my Soul and my guides Bea and David were apparently being guided by the same Divine wisdom. The Sacred objects in my space matched the Sacred objects they were guided to use for my healing. I felt the energy flowing thru my body, opening my 3rd eye and I felt the same expanding energy as I had experienced when I sat within 15feet of them in Glastonbury. It took a couple of days for the fine vibration to integrate in my body completely. I thank you Bea and David for your commitment in following Divine guidance in the use of your gifts for humanity. Namaste.
(Sound Bath)
Their sound baths always leave a sense of peace and relaxation, and their voices are amazing. A pure joy to the ears. If you’ve never experienced a bathing in vibration and sound - you don’t know what you are missing - put them on your bucket list.....
(Sound bath)
I can thoroughly recommend spending time with Bea and David. They are so passionate and extremely authentic with what they do. Their Sound Baths are 'amazing'. You so need to experience to really appreciate what I am talking about. It was so lovely just to be. I am so looking forward to hearing all those wonderful sounds again soon! What delightful gems you are. Thank you so much.
(Individual Session)
I can totally understand why people have a 1:1 Sound Bath with the Bards of Avalon. The journey, the healing and the impact on my physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing was exactly what I needed to help me to cast off the past issues that no longer serve me. Ideal to manifest wishes and dreams. Thank you Bea and David for total magic
(Zoom Sound Bath)
Amazing feeling! So calm and relaxed - it was amazing.
I am feeling so blessed and grateful to you for facilitating a bath of blissfulness.
(Zoom Sound Bath)
Really deep blissful session today. My back has eased so much as the week progressed and even managed an hour walk yesterday without feeling like I was bent over. Thank you Bea and David I feel more relaxed and ready to take on another week of work. Love to you both x
(Zoom Sound Bath)
Bards of Avalon - I have to say, your Sunday tonic, is my Sunday Soul food.
This is my time, created authentically to rest, release and reflect. I am so enjoying this sound Bath journey.
Thank you so much for holding
this safe space .
(Zoom Sound Bath)
That was the most beautiful and magical sound journey guys, thank you both so, so much. Just what I needed, worked so well through my headphones.
If you’d like to find out more about our sound work, please get in touch using the form below.
Bea and David.
(Tune up your life album)
Oh wow, bought and downloaded your Tune Up Your Life album .... best rejuvenating and relaxing session I've had for ages. Recently, even sleep hasn't been restful. Thank you!